I ask a question: Is it worth the words?




I am taken back to that old house
I lived in seventy years ago.
I can only see it in my mind
Or in my memory inspired dreams
Because it no longer even stands.
I replay 'camps' in the garden
And cook wild blackberries
In a tin atop a secret bonfire.
I foster the baby chicks again.
Little fluffy yellow bundles
Huddling together under a lamp

Chirping innocently to one another.
There's 'Prince' my dog that 'ran away'
And I see him walking on a lead
The other side of the busy road.
They lied about where he went.
Today I think they were cruel.
Magnetically I'm drawn to my bedroom.
The room where I was visited
At night by various elementals
Who filled me with terror and fear.
And where I'd visit the orange planet
Where my thoughts were speeded up
And a kind of numbness filled my chest
To cause me panic and distress.
Sometimes, paralysed in sleep,
I feel that night-time dread again,
The thoughts that rush away too fast,
Or the fight to regain my limbs to flee,
And then, I open up my eyes,
And be thankful where I am today;
Feel my wife beside me in the bed.
I wonder why I go there?
When that house always felt cold:
A place devoid of something needed
To prevent it being a place of echos.
Perhaps it is just as well
It was bulldozed and ground to dust.


© Griffonner 2024

Poetry by Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 53 times
Written on 2024-11-29 at 15:34

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
It is strange, how we populate our dreams and the sleepless hours, with memories often not of our liking or choosing; I thought you captured this well Allen.

arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
A truly strange and ongoing phenomenon. The old ancestral home lay in ruins in mother's hamlet and from the barely visible foundation stumps I could still see my history and the shared family lore what went on there, the sight, the sounds, the scents even. In another sense it is a haunting harbinger of our finite mortality that we too shall be bulldozed and ground to dust one day. Can't win either way.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
It's terrible. The place you were eager to leave won't leave you.