Nighttime flutters

Nighttime flutters as it comes to an end,
As the dawn draws the sun from it's bed.
Dew drops a glistening on the roses red,
Awaking flowers from there flowerbeds.

The red breasted robin stirs from his nest,
Putting one wing outside to see if it's wet.
He puts on his red vest before going outside
Dothing his hat to keep his head nice and dry

Kisses Mrs robin before of to work he doth fly,
Outside of his nest it was quite a blustery day.
Tree's were uprooted the wind was up high,
Holding onto his hat he found he couldn't fly.

Flapping one wing no matter how much he tries,
Flying round in circles with one wing flapping.
While holding on to the hat on top of his head,
Such a blustery day and the kids need to be fed.

He thought and wondered about what he done,
Wearing a hat on such a windy day was no fun.
Letting go of his hat gale force wind took hold,
Blowing his hat over the hill to places unfortold.

That is why you never see a robin in a hat,
After all that would be an absolute delight.
As for his brolly he keeps it in his backpack,
Not for the rain...... but to fend of the cats.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 53 times
Written on 2024-12-14 at 07:44

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