Note to my daughter (not real daughter) but a special girl about her brother my son...

Little One

Hey Little One
I hope Easter
was festive and
fun, I hope you
have some room
to let your little
brother Xavier
share Easters
to come

I hope that he
makes me as
proud as you make
If he gets some of
your strength and light
that will make you admire
even more greatly

I look forward to sending
you a picture of him
but I look even more
forward to the day you
meet him I know I'll
be more proud then

A promise from me to
you Little One if I don't
keep it may God Damn me
I will try my hardest to be
a good father to your brother
and keep happy your Ma

Know that you're Love from
a distance as if you are
right there with us
I've been proud to say
that I know and love you
but the day I tell Xavier
about you will be my proudest

Poetry by Will
Read 502 times
Written on 2006-07-31 at 17:29

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