the thought of living without my best friend is unbearable she's under a lot of pressure and needs alone time

I don't

I don't know how
to love you less
I don't know how
to not feel so blessed

I look inside
and there is an
empty space
for I don't know
how to deal with
this place

where we are at now
I'm not sure how
we got there
I have nothing to say
negative about you
because even if I did
you'd know I care

You know that I'd
be lashing out and
that would do no good
because the pain
would still be there
besides I don't even
think I could

The strength your friendship
has given me the love your
heart has shown me
in times of joy & pain
whether I had a life partner
or I was lonely

Kiddo I really don't
know what I will do
because I can't do
life without you.

Poetry by Will
Read 1125 times
Written on 2009-04-02 at 03:47

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