You know who you are..

Soul Searching

Soul Searching
really looking for
who I am
loving fatherhood
but am I a good

Loving my friends
more than I should
but is it possible to
love too much
if I could

I am a positive person
caring sometimes much too much
telling someone I love them
when the right move is
to keep my mouth shut

I love my friends
and see something
positive in all of them
and have so much love
for the friends I consider
to be special ones

I don't have many friends
but I keep those I
have close
and one in particular
is much closer than

but when it comes
to hard times for
whatever reason
whatever in my life may
not be working
I'm so glad to have
my friends and that's what
I've figure out
through My Soul Searching

Poetry by Will
Read 1159 times
Written on 2009-04-01 at 04:10

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