You know who you are.
All I can say is nine out of every ten pieces rate higher than just a must read text (5)
There should be a ten your lost if you don't read rating.. LOL..

A word about your Gift

Ok talk about underated
it's more like that if
I was rating it.

that's just one description
you've got an artist's vision

With your ability to
grab the reader
Ok you probably won't
TASTE anything sweeter

Every piece is better
than the one before
always leaving you desiring

Every piece is a mental, &
emotional trip
that's what we are to
share in your Gift

Poetry by Will
Read 438 times
Written on 2006-08-15 at 19:31

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What a great poet you are!!! every word here is absolutely perfect!!! lovely!!!kissess

Artists need to be praised sometimes and know their work is appreciated. You have through this beautiful piece of writing have passed on a sincere message that I am sure means everything to the person you wrote it for. In your words they will find the inspiration to create their art, knowing it is appreciated.
I applaud you!
and a 5 rating is not enough for this piece.

Kathy Lockhart
what a absolutely marvelous gift you have given to this writer of whom you speak. Now a word about your Gift.....the sincerity, the love, the adoration, the honesty, are just what a person needs to hear. You write it so well. God Bless you Will and may he continue to Bless your writing friend. xx Kathy