
It's so quiet outside and i feel alone

Everyone's gone

The wounds haven't healed

But I'll still be right here waiting

Waiting for the sun to come out

Waiting for a ray of light

Even if you are gone

Even if you've already left

I still hold your picture and pray each night

Hoping for a miracle

I can still picture you standing over me

Telling me it'll be ok

I'm still right here waiting

Waiting for you

Days have gone by

Years have gone by

But I'm still right here waiting

Waiting for you

Poetry by Claudia
Read 634 times
Written on 2006-08-16 at 03:19

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we seem to both think about waiting a lot. check out my poem called 'Hold' it has the same theme. i like this one a lot because even though none of the stanza's are particularily picturesque the way you compiled them makes me see what you wanted [or at least what i got]

keith nunes
fantastic. you write so maturely. it's great