
What character do i have left to play?
do i keep my false smiles and my masks?
do i hide my emotions and feelings from you?
knowing that one more lie holds us apart
tearing us away
shredding our hearts.
what do i have left to do?
my life has become and endless story
where the walls and fences have become as tall as my guilt
where has my heart vanished?
where has it gone
the strip of humanity has been jerked from my reach
just like your life desappeared from me.
just like your heart gave a last beat
what role have i left to play?
the heartless beast?
the souless monster looming over you,
bottomless eyes telling you that you're going to die
i have nothing left to do
but leave you all
so i leave...........

Poetry by Claudia
Read 756 times
Written on 2006-09-11 at 02:36

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The honest one, even if it's the most heart breaking. With that, you can breath a little easier. a strong text!!!

keith nunes
tremendous claudia! has real momentum and depth of thought and emotion. well done