About me and my Dad..
Jupp Jupp ;)

We made a little deal

I cried my self to sleep this night too.
Can't dady learn to shut up?
He doesn't know that I cry because of him.
He doesn't know that he hurts me day out and day in.
I wish I could tell him.
But to day I told him I was sick of him critesicing my grades.
He said we could make a little deal.
And we did.
If I make it better at school,
We will loose some weigth.
And that's good.
So I agreed..
So no more problems about it before christmas.

Poetry by kittipuusen
Read 492 times
Written on 2006-08-16 at 10:44

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Yeah, keep me posted on this deal as well!

Well I hope it all works out..

Good Luck...