About A.B.J

Don't you think I know

You're lying to me.
Don't you think I notice?
I'm not that stupid that I pretend to be.
I'm smarter than what you think.
Stop lying.

"I always stick to one at a time" you say.
Well tell me,
Why are you with her, when you're flirting with me?
The same day you to got together, you told me how you feel.
"I like you" you said.
"I like you too!" I answerd.
And then you lie to me?

Don't you think I feel a little sad?
I can never trust you anymore.
"Well, now I'm allready with her" you said.
"Don't you think I know?".
Don't you think I know?

Poetry by kittipuusen
Read 1143 times
Written on 2006-12-13 at 18:57

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You got a "player" in your midst, Beware!!!