Inspirational Piece!!!!!

More & More Plates

Give me another chicken breast
a little more rice on my plate
measure me 1/2 cup and
4 ounces OK great

put me a plate on the table
and two more plates on
the bar
I've had an intense workout
and 1000 calories today
so far

I can never have enough plates
on the bar because remember
I'm never strong enough
I can't lift them other plates
and if I don't clean that other
plate so eat up

I eat off my plates of ceramic
but I love my plates of iron
my food boiling, broiling or grilling
never ever cooking by frying

I'll keep my diet straight
I'll keep my desire for the weights
I'll build my mass as long as you
pile more on my plate and put on
more plates

Live Long, Love Hard, & Lift Heavy

Poetry by Will
Read 475 times
Written on 2006-08-21 at 20:49

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