A word for the second place finisher at the Mr. Olympia for the last 4 years.

Some Thoughts for Jay (a moment of Meaness)

He's been runner up
the last few years
He's confident again
but it's runner up
for him again I fear

the last two years
I don't even think
he was second best
but since I'm not one
of the judges I'll
stay out of that mess

Some fans of Jay Cutler
says he's better than Ronnie
but come on that's pure fiction
The Big Nasty comes in bigger
than him and yes in better condition

To me,just an opinion
Dexter, Dennis & Gustavo
even come in looking better
but Jay has the name right now
and he's a top money getter

Jay wants to be #1 so bad
that he will do whatever or
pay whatever it cost
Well if you get runner up again
you can always be the first
person that LOST --- LOL


That was mean, I respect Jay as a bodybuilder there's just someone out there better simply put and I get tired of they speculations and what ifs Jay when to sell tickets. RONNIE IS THE BEST, and just speculate who's going for second.

The Opinions of the author of this piece don't necessarily reflect the opinions of the ppl on this site LOL

Poetry by Will
Read 470 times
Written on 2006-08-21 at 20:52

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