This is my advice to a friend, basically touching on something NSW wrote about

Phony People (Your image is more than a Mirror)

When our paths cross
I will continue to
show you respect
although you don't
respect yourself
know that, that being
the case you will never
be respected by anyone

If you have to lean a
little further over the
desk showing more
clevage to keep your
it's not for me to judge
but to respect you as
a co-worker all you have
to do is work hard.

How are you going to
survive when your looks
are gone
are you going play the
first hard, rich c*&^
that comes along

I've known for a while
that you look down on yourself
but the way you conduct yourself
you're equally looked down on
by everyone else

Just remember while you
accept all those smart
remarks and bullshit
Try to Concentrate on
the little message your Little
Princess may get

You are the one she
looks up to so you
have to live the
way you want her too
so even when you're
out of her sight you
still have to respect you

If you respect you
she will learn to
respect her, am I right
you will also know she
will respecting herself
even when she isn't
in your sight

I'm not judging you
or telling you
what you should be
just letting you know
that your image
is more than a mirror
with a little friendly

Poetry by Will
Read 491 times
Written on 2006-08-23 at 20:02

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Kathy Lockhart
Absolute Beauty of Caring Kindness and Love in telling the truth to a friend! Pleasure to read this...your tender caring heart shines through your words. :) kathy