This show was disappointing except for a couple of early debuts...

The Update (the Europa show) A Dallas Bodybuilding show

It might have been a preview to
the Montreal Show
but of course the results will
differ some of us know

The Europa Show consisted
of three Texans winning the
top three spots
if you're into politics
Politics is what you got

Toney Freeman, Quincy Taylor,
& Johnny Jackson took the top three
If you're a bodybuilding fan
that is just a big travesty

Neither of the three should
ever be placed ahead of Darrem
what a mess
Darrem can come in at 85%
and the top three shouldn't beat
him even if they're at their best

The catch was Darrem already
qualified for the Olympia the other
three had not
so that's what I meant
when I gave that politic shot

Besides in Texas they pick Texas judges
you're right that doesn't make sense
the top three guys once again are
from Texas
what was that
a foreseen coincidence

The only good thing to come from this show
is Joel Stubbs and Dennis Wolf's rookie debut
and they finished in spots
that may make you respect them too

Dennis finished seventh, Joel tenth
which in a field of 21 was not too bad
King Kamali and old pro on the come
back finished behind them how sad

He came in with a gut as big as
a barrell looking really bad, disrespecting
bodybuilding by stepping on stage like that
I've seen it in baseball, basketball, football, but
I never thought I'd see a bodybuilder step on
stage fat

So in this show we had it all
Undeserved winners, aspiring rookies, even
a washed up should have stayed retired vet
I guess I have to tune in for the
Montreal Show to see what else I get

i have to take time to give a shout out
to Marcus Haley, he showed up in
the best shape of his career
he came in 8th but my opinion he could
have been 5 but they put Art Atwood there

No disrespect to any bodybuilder
I would never do that
but the judging that night
they would have done better
picking the top ten out of
a hat.

Poetry by Will
Read 487 times
Written on 2006-08-29 at 17:08

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vERY much interesting show !!!good job!!!kissess