

I am like the air you realize soon ;
Making felt with my absence than by presence .
I am like a thorn in the heart that bleeds when pull out
And that hurts all the while if live with .

I am the bent that keeps on loving ever
Till I can't love you a little more farther .
I am yet the whirls of thought
That kiss your lips in an instant of truth .

I am the desire that sears the mind
When I find that you are gone .
I am the death that will go on living
When I see that you are'nt any more .

I am like a winter's blossom
That smiles when the senses are numb .
I am the song that cuddles the night
Whenever the beats preclude a wish .

I am the pieces of a shattered glass
That gleam through the perdition .
I am nothing but a sigh of pain
Whereon the echoes born and reborn .

Poetry by binesh
Read 1025 times
Written on 2006-08-31 at 15:52

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MIRZA AHMER BEG The PoetBay support member heart!
carry on its marvellous

very good

Amanda K
Wut a An Awesome piece. The diversity in thoughts,pictures and meanings. I'm speechless. Excellent.