They are all in quest of something
The lost prelude to be found under the spires
The wings of a dead butterfly, speckled white and blue.
The roots pirouetting , never cease to belong in hope .

The leaden quill, dragged not even over that infinity
When they dream and stood still but one only flitting ;
The obscure to redeem, and the green leaves kissing each other :
Somebody was always down there watching a life .

The season of emotions carried over endless
Minds turned over on the listless verges ;
Evade everything and the sketch fulsome , blemish adorned
A veil only put behind the back, the buds asleep even .

Gentle slopes with pastures in flaming red
A thought of melody out of the caress on a string .
A form altogether the senses can pass on to each
Love with the undulations of subtle depletion .

Some are scattered about at will, indelible;
What is longed is there for the wielding
Upside and beneath but in reflections of dual
The image creased for fold up at self .

The fluttering eyes and twisted lips;
Upraised hands and a broken mirror at the side
The notes have this night alive to belie
But the autumn has another smile to behold .

Poetry by binesh
Read 1031 times
Written on 2006-12-26 at 11:02

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Lovely indeed!!!!well done....kissess

Vibrant imagery, excellent write, bravo!

Amanda K
written with talent, thx 4 sharing it .

all the best on 2007,

Kathy Lockhart
this is full of imagery. my mind was flooded with sensation.