A few things i have seen and done

Adventures of Mine

I have snorkeled in St.Kitts, dived in Cozumel,
Climbed upon Chitzen Itza, toured the streets of Hell.

I have seen Mayan ruins just outside of Belize,
Napped in a hammock gently swinging in the breeze.

I have walked on old forts where great battles took place,
Visited cemeteries where people died with grace.

Toured a cavern filled with water to the brim,
Flown over a volcano and looked over the rim.

I have stood on a glacier made of pure blue ice,
Laid on a beach in a lovely paradise.

Rode a jeep to the top of a mountain peak,
Been panning for gold, in a cool clear creek.

Looking for new things I can add to my list,
New adventure is something I can't resist.

After doing all these things, my heart longs for more,
Craving adventure my soul is keeping score.

Poetry by Queen
Read 792 times
Written on 2005-09-10 at 06:05

Tags Happiness 

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F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
wow... that is all i can manage after reading this hehe :) adventures of a life, i would say... that is so great... if i had the finances (and if getting out the door wasnt so much of a problem ;) ) i would certainly love to live these experiences... :) thanks for bringing us into your adventures... had me dreaming here :)

later... xx

chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
adventurous and hungry for life, now that is the way to be. i have, er been to the kitchen and seen the pigeons outside on the roof, i have been to the front door and back, a nast trek, full of surprises and i have been to bed :)