Fast Moving Flame

Running through your life, like a fast moving flame,
So much living, the girl is so hard to tame.

Catching you unaware with her smouldering look,
Under her magic, she can read you like a book.

She can torch your heart and burn you to the ground,
You will do anything for her, you are spell bound.

With just a touch she can ignite your fire,
Leaving you scorched with molten desire.

I know you love deeply and will never learn,
Careful with your love or you might get a burn.

Her emotions are ablaze, she can light up the sky,
Don't toy with her heart, she can make a grown man cry.

Poetry by Queen
Read 920 times
Written on 2005-09-14 at 06:54

Tags Happiness 

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wow--very well written.
2005-10-18 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
i simply love the way you write, you know that :) i see this like a warning to keep at bay the betrayals of the past in love... the voice is one that has been through it and wont accept it again... but the warning is expressed to the outside (partner of the present or future) and is also directed at the character's self... like a personal vow that this sort of stuff will not be happening or even tolerated without consequence this time around... i know, i kind of go off everywhere sometimes hehe ;) but its beautifully expressed... gave me an empowering feeling to read this which is always a nice feeling to have :) thanks for sharing :f

later... xx

chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
ohh that smouldering look, and like a moth to the flame we flutter ever closer, closer, closer ouch! where's my flippin' wings gone, then it's like a cartoon, little legs going ten to the dozen in the air before plummetting down to the ground.