Angel Of Death

What happened to me?
I can barely see
I see something really bright
It's coming from the corner I think it's a light
All I know is I was sleeping
After a long time of weeping
And then I felt a pain
Like the bottom of a cane
Stabbing me
Like trying to get set free
From bladed wire
Burning fire
This lifeless shame
Trying to get from where I came
Running for my life
Bladed wire cutting my skin like a knife
My eyes are bleeding tears
Conquering all these fears
But I didn't get anywhere
It doesn't seem like anyone would care
I fought through the night
My best friend held onto me tight
As I laid there shameless
Waiting for someone to pick me out
Of these thousands of bodies all out and about
I fought till I could no more
I was so close to the door
That led to freedom and survival
Now the next thousands of people's arrival
They will go through the same
Just as if it's some kind of game
Taking some one's life and watching them fight till there last breath
Then they see the Angel Of Death

Poetry by Ariel Bennett
Read 800 times
Written on 2006-10-03 at 23:47

Tags Death  Sadness 

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