This is about me when I was little... things are better now


I remember all the violent horrible screams

The broken bones and the broken dreams

Him pushing her trying to start a fight

I was so little all I could do is clench my fist tight

It was a life we were stuck in from day one

There was no way out.. Nowhere to run

The screaming and shouting made scares in my soul

Staying in my mind.. Making a permanent hole

Making me fear every second to every day

That maybe one of us would end up getting taken away

Holding my teddy bear while tears ran down my face

No matter how fast we ran away he still began to chase

Me looking up to my sister asking if we'd ever be free

With tears in my eyes begging him to let us be

The flashing of these memories sometimes show

Like a past that always refuses to let go

Poetry by Ariel Bennett
Read 1194 times
Written on 2007-01-15 at 05:35

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i love the way your poems always rhyme so beautifully, but the words dont seem forced at all, they just flow, as if nothing has had to be changed.
its lovely (: