
Soulless and forgotten is what I feel

Our lost love it just can't be real

Maybe just a figment of my imagination

Just an allusion or an imitation

It was just a tiny fight that's all

Is this what caused our relationship to fall?

My hands shake and eyes fill with tears

I wanted to be with you for ongoing years

Why did you choose to leave at this time?

I feel as if my love for you is a crime

I curl up into my sister's arms and cry

Like a tiny infant wishing to die

My heart crushed by the wonders of love

Just makes me want to spread my wings above

All I can feel from my heart is pain

As I watch my tears flow down my face like rain

Wishing for a world where only I can go

A world where my pain would never show

Poetry by Ariel Bennett
Read 1241 times
Written on 2007-01-16 at 07:35

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This poem is beautiful, and yet so sad in so many ways. I think you have wonderful poetic potential, keep up the good work :) love gemma xxx