"Fragile" Handle carefully

Her heart read "fragile" handle carefully
For when it's broken you cannot see
He took her heart and used it for a loan
The pain he could see was nothing but his own

Her heart read "fragile" handle carefully
Not caring as he tossed it carelessly
It now lays on the ground in pieces unseen
He left them for her to pick up and clean

Her heart read "fragile" handle carefully
Letting her shattered heart and pain be
Tossing a fragile heart to the ground
In pieces was how it was found

Her heart read "fragile" handle carefully
As now it's nothing but ashes and debris

Poetry by Ariel Bennett
Read 1247 times
Written on 2007-01-21 at 12:28

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<3 this very good ariel :)

girl you write real gud. keep it up.

by any chance you a member of orkut???


Zoya Zaidi
Beautifully expressed dear Ariel, this is very well done!
How are you doing?
Love, Zoya