instructions: if bitter, add some sugar, and stir clockwise, then counterclockwise.

caution: when heated, wait for it to cool before you get burned.

reality beckons

we've called it philosophy
more like closet advice

funny how fiction's
telling more truths than we are
we tell what we
wish was the truth
so damn us for that!

like we're not already condemned?

achilles, gone so soon?
nobody needs to know
(we're not perfect)

we're all falling down

fast. (but who gives a flying fuck?)

just call me icarus, i guess.

coffe and cigarettes, among conversations
a starbucks poet, all the more "real"
back alleys and highways and opium dens,
what are we escaping from?

Poetry by Zachary P. B.
Read 655 times
Written on 2006-10-12 at 21:56

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I loved your intro... its cool. You raise questions, and I like the stylized wit. The italics are well placed... love those too.
Overall, great write, Z. Looks like school is making a world of difference to your writing.

this is really good.

I guess many people live in their heads, or in their own made up world. it's easier I guess, escaping from the unknown, threatening, painful truth.

Malin Johansson
I liked that you ended this poem with a question, what are we escaping from ?
I think we escapes from the very life itself
because when it doesnt fit us, we avoid it ( escape ) or we fear it ( escape )
Thanks for a great poem here !!!
Regards to you

Kathy Lockhart
our own realities, searching for some fantasies, to make it all stop hurting.
MSZ what a talent you are!

keith nunes
ourselves, I believe - good points you make and well written too