A Ghazal, a Persian form I've only just come across. Excuse my blunt form, those of you who have mastered this. I kind of like it.


Stampeding the streets with his shoes in the rain
The Boy splashes a tango or two in the rain.

Lightning, thunder and Africana drums --
Again we refrain the Blues in the rain.

She writes with his pen, ink on her thumbs,
He likes her with glasses askew in the rain.

Kings of Carboard under streetlights that hum,
Ragged men downing their booze in the rain.

The Cheshire departs with only an "Um",
Ginger wishing he'd made a move in the rain.

Poetry by Zachary P. B.
Read 1314 times
Written on 2007-12-03 at 02:43

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Kathy Lockhart
interesting rhythm and form MSZ. I enjoyed it. So nice to hear from you again. : )

F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
First time I hear of the Ghazal - thanks for the introduction :) Really liked the effect of your imagery and the tale-like format of this. Well done.

good imagery............ keep up the good work.
i have written one with the same title why not check it!!!!!!