something Thomas Perdue (he can't publish anything on here anymore) and i cooked up. the last stanza's mine, the rest is his.


A thousand voices sing out in unison
A thousand hearts ache toward one love
A thousand hands reaching toward one desire
A thousand men marching toward one destination

A thousand voices sing out in perfect harmony.
A sound so beautiful and sympathetic

A thousand, a million, yet one -
One in the crowd, in the choir, in the heart
Of it all, he is one in a thousand.
Or perhaps just one of one
In a thousand.

Poetry by Zachary P. B.
Read 1228 times
Written on 2007-12-02 at 20:02

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Rob Graber
Provocative write, guys!

PS: Thomas could post again if he would delete and file some of his poems, no? Those who choose to support the bay with their dollars as well as their words don't have to go to this touble; but they don't seem to be getting much satisfaction or attention lately from site administrators (whoever they may be).