I Live Several Lives Within My Own

I live several lives within my own.
Some are official, some are unknown.
Of some I am proud, of some I am not.
But they're all in here, they have me caught.

I wish I could control these lives inside.
Sometimes I repress them, sometimes I just hide.
If life is a landscape I have a world of terrains.
It's a world of beauty, it's a world of pains.

I guess you could say I'm lost in here.
I tried it all out, including my fear.
I'm not sure who I am, still unknown.
I live several lives within my own.

Poetry by Daybreaker
Read 1512 times
Written on 2006-11-05 at 23:53

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"I live several lives within my own.
Some are official, some are unknown.
Of some I am proud, of some I am not."


Zoya Zaidi
The lives that we live within our own,
We cannot define them, we cannot condone
Any one of them to be real or false,
I guess because each one of them is ours?
We think they are many, but they are one,
Some are evident and some are hidden.
We have certain notions as to how we should live,
And that is why occurs such a split.
If we just don't be dogmatic it,
I we just let ourselves be...

(((Hugs Dan)))
This such a lovely poem, it straight goes to my *bookmarks*

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
such an amazing poem




Zachary P. B.
me too friend... excellence upon brilliance, bookmarked.
