
I feel so lonely
My soul so empty
I ask myself why do I even breathe?
In life I'll never achieve
My life is useless
No more cheerful bliss
Inside so alone
Feeling unknown
What use to be a proud expression
Is now a deep depression

Poetry by Ariel Bennett
Read 1324 times
Written on 2006-10-16 at 23:33

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Esti D-G The PoetBay support member heart!
succinctly put!
excellent work,

Depressed i have been
More than anyone have seen
Lonely i walk
Silience i talk
Emptiness i share
No one really to care
Love isn't there
Didn't find it anywhere
I feel exactly the same
So take care of yourself
And keep in touch
That will help you very much....:)

((((great big hugs))))