I had wandered off from reality into a selfish world hurting my love one; I wrote this when I realized what pain I had caused....

Tears of Pain

What pain have I caused
to deserve this loneliness...
my heart cries out in vain
I am left in darkness...

When we met our hearts joined
with joy and tenderness...
now we weep our own sorrows
in anger and in sadness...

The nights have no compassion
for my tears of pain...
It goes unanswered, swept
by the gentle rain...

I pray to God the Almighty
that our love was not lust...
for this pain is so great
I cannot unjust...

Please forgive me
for what I have done...
to mend our broken hearts
to the Lord I succumb...

Tears of pain
to be swept away...
when our hearts meet again
I pray day by day...

With these kind words
I say to you, my Love...
for we were meant to be,
together... as one,
for years to come!

@ Ray Aguilar 2005

Poetry by Ray
Read 1231 times
Written on 2005-09-30 at 02:52

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Lovely and heartfelt :-)

Think I know the feeling.
A good piece of work though!