I believe we are driven to live a sketched out way of life. Based on peer pressure, family beliefs, religious backgrounds,etc., we make our emotional decisions...

I Wonder

I wonder how it would be

if it was just you and me...

you see it's not that I'm afraid

to leave without knowing,

but that time will run out and I

will always be wondering...

I guess that we will never know

even though it shows

why is love so strange?

why when we have it

we simply let it go?...

And when we feel it

we seldom show it...

When we are together

we spread our wings in joy...

happiness and love;

will it last forever?...

yet our emotions we will destroy

when with tears in our eyes

we must say good-bye...

Years will go by...

a tale of our lives,

I still wonder if you're doing fine,

do you think of me as often as I?...

love is close

yet we let it float so far...

I wonder how

it will be

if you were here

with me now?...

Ray Aguilar


Poetry by Ray
Read 1462 times
Written on 2007-02-13 at 16:30

Tags Love  Romance  Longing 

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