Angel of glory

She lies on his feet
Knowing that now she cannot compete
Her wings are hidden
Her soul forbidden
In denial
Going senile
Looking at the world above
Wonders full of love
At his feet waiting for judgment day
For her wings to spread and her to fly away
A tear drop falls to the earth
A new childbirth
She tumbles backwards into a fire hell
Violent screams yet no one can tell
This angel of glory such a prize
Fire reflects in her eyes
These screams of pain
Making her insane
Her nail marks on the walls
As an eagle calls
As her wings spread
Her soul sorrow and dead
These wings in ruins fly away
Sore fully mourning the lose of her body as she sees where it lay
Flying through the distress
This angel of glory with nothing less

Poetry by Ariel Bennett
Read 463 times
Written on 2006-10-27 at 05:01

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wow!!! thats really really good!! i love it!!!