What they don't tell the Kids in the nursery Rhymes !!!

Hickory Dickory Dock

Hickory Dickory Dock
Three mice ran up the clock
The clock struck one.......................

(The other two were able to dodge the clock's fists
and were able to call 999 (911,112) on their cell phones
and a paramedic attended the scene with armed Police

Mike Mouse was taken into hospital where he later died of a blow to the skull resulting in a brain haemorrhage and an internal brain bleed that left him in a vegetative state. They had to switch off the ventilator at the animal hospital. Rolf Harris was in attendance.

Hickory Dickory Dock was charged with 3 counts of attempted murder but was found guilty of one count of manslaughter with diminished responsibility and is serving a life sentence at her Majesty's pleasure in Wormwood scrubs.)

Roger and Tammy mouse are now living under the witness protection program with new identities in another country through fear of retribution from like minded clocks all over the world who are livid but who are also campaigning for safety signs to be put at the bases of all grandfather clocks to warn mice of the danger of running up clocks as clocks are known to be of a violent disposition. Primary Children are being instructed to sing the Nursery Rhyme Politically correctly.

.............................................Hickory Dickory Dock

Poetry by English War Veteran aged 98
Read 1392 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2006-10-27 at 15:10

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!


Your text has been chosen by the Editors to receive a Gold Star!


Another excellent, perceptive and humourous write. Well done young man!!!! Bless you.

Funny and subversive indeed! I don't know if I would read it to my children though, if I had any...

ahh , he gone done it again . Brilliant old lover.
Now, off course I will illustrate this my darling Nurse says that those red pills sure put the fire back into this wrinkled pile of fire .
Hickory Dickory Dock .

la tristesse
i love your subversiveness and wry humour! stunning poem!