Israeli National Anthem (Censored Version by Edna)

Ve are the neue Nazis von der Middle-East
Ve haff real bigge noses und keine Foreskinne, yay,
Wir lieben Arabs killen und kleine woggen Babies too,
Und bomben anyvon vot gets in our way, oy weh!

Bei uns sind Sie so schoen, as long you is von ov us,
And, specially, if you gotta real nice bank account, my dear,
And, fuck you, don't talk humanitarian shit no way, oy weh,
Ve got Bushy behind us and Rothschild too, oy oy yeeha.

But never mind, and here's a joke: why do gentiles exist?
I'll tell you, my dear, the reason is so simple (oy weh)
Someone's got to buy retail, nicht war, cha-cha-cha,
But fuck the rest of the goy world, fucking o-lay.

By the vay, thank you so much Georgie Bushy
For your last load of lovely cluster bombs,
We know the Lebanese kiddies love those so much
And now you know why anti-semitism is so popular.

It's because we deserved it.

Poetry by Edna Sweetlove
Read 1285 times
Written on 2006-10-27 at 18:41

Tags Love  Politics  Religion 

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You stupid, silly, pathetic little man

Emelén The PoetBay support member heart!
To all of you who find Edna controversial . He is not . The things he has been writing about Israelis, Americans and Great Britain is not dangerous _ it is just harmless and out-dated ( and these words have probably already been spoken by thousands of others this week , at the end of teenage parties all over the world ), but the fun part is that his view on other people are quite similar to the view he portraits in Bush and the Israelis . He might think he is better than them because he kicks up while they seemingly kick down power-wise . It is important to have people who kicks upwards but here the only thing proven is a similarity in attitude by both the author and the objects in critique . This is a grown-up person , he knows what he is doing and to him this is a game _ winding you all up and boy are you easily wined folks !

in a way you still a child here Edna .. Many will agree and many will disagree with this message you send , and what have you gained then but a boring status Q in this bashing round .Many will say that you have got the Israeli Governments attitude quite right here , but note that we , the Jewish people , do not always agree with how things are run and solved . I know you are fucking around with people on the bay and loving it .. so I will leave you to it , my bored pale English child boy .

Edna Sweetlove
Ananim sounds a real prat.

Audrey Barber
Edna dear you do irritate a lot of people. Now you got Ananim on your tail

Well all in all this is a write with a meaning in it. I see no stupidity at all, On the contrary you are sending a message out people must read more carefully.

Take care now.

*the pinnacle of political incorrect'ism*

**a well-placed cluster bomb wouldn't be out of place if dropped on your house, it would cure you of your ignorance because you're too stupid to be stupid**