my thoughts on opening night of my show, and on being a player in a wonderful show like "west side story." not meant to be a piece of poetry, it is what it is.


my heart races with the bitter ending of a tragedy
and the old women cry even though they knew the ending


i just played a life, a person,
a fictional [(but so very real)] person
and i've seen through this person's eyes...
and have become more than me

for just a moment maybe.


when a person becomes an ideal, a moral,
they are immortal.

"encore encore!" : the watchers [(out of their seats)] cry out
they already know the ending,
but this is their story as much as it is mine

Diary by Zachary P. B.
Read 877 times
Written on 2006-11-04 at 01:41

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keith nunes
take another bow z, very fine piece of work