I wrote this piece way back in 1989 while in bed...meditating and thinking of my girlfriend at the time.


Just the warmth of your body
when we cuddle is all I want...

Just the sweetness of your moist lips
when we kiss is all I need...

Just to caress your baby soft skin
when we touch is all I care for...

Just to see you smile
when we see each other
is all I envision...

Just to see you happy
when you are sad
is what makes me feel good...

Just to talk to you
when you are feeling blue
is what makes a difference...

Just to hold you, kiss you, caress you,
make love to you,
is all I desire!!!

@ Ray Aguilar 1989

Poetry by Ray
Read 1227 times
Written on 2005-10-05 at 16:27

Tags Happiness 

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Amanda K
spontaneous and staright from heart. GREAT!!!!!!

Zoya Zaidi
Warm and tender feelings flow,
one thing follows another,
love flows soft and tender.
'Tenderness' is one word which describes the poem. Thanks for sharing.

It's very tender and sweet write, thank you for sharing such a beautiful feelings

chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
elipses not really needed.
invision envision
differance difference
why three exclamation marks?

poetry is ours yes, but when thrown ito the public arena, it becomes everyones to leave thoughts to.

Sweet, warm and cuddling!