Our inner landscape is often reflected in the outer landscape
The same landscape, when we are gloomy, looks blue
When happy, sunny and bright
Our moods colour our perceptions...
Misty eveningSparkling mountain spring
Setting sun
Scarlet hues
Lone log cabin
Valley blue
Crackling yellow flames
I alone
Besides the hearth
Waiting with abated heart
A knock
Slipping over stairs of Time
Quivering lips
Trembling hearts
Unfolding mysteries of past
Just this longing
Moments drowning with the heart
On a foggy night
Along with the setting sun
I drown in the sea of Time
Hope was never mine
Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright © Zoya Zaidi
Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1943 times
Written on 2005-10-11 at 02:54
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