No Road Too Hard
There is no road too hardNo matter the roadblocks,
No cliff too steep
Slippery may be the rocks,
Hill after hill, I climb to the top...
How arduous the task!
But hope keeps me going
At all costs...
But, it's the path downhill
That is so hard,
The gravity pulls you down
You resist each step,
Unable to break the fall...
The higher the climb,
The steeper the fall...
Greater the bruising
Greater the hurt...
But, I can't help doing
What I have to do,
I get up, brush off the dust
And again begin my task.
Year after year I climb up the hill
Hill after hill, I climb to the top...
I trudge my way up,
I drag my feet down...
But, climb I must,
Like the ant on the wall!
And thus will go on all my life
Up and down, down and up
Till I drop dead
Exhausted and spent up...
My life keeps undulating
And I keep striving...
A climb up hill, a tumbling down...
Physically, uphill laborious
Downhill a lark;
Morally, uphill so easy-
Because hope is a part,
Downhill, so difficult-
It tears you apart...
So up and down
Goes my life's path...
Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP) India
13.05.2015; 12.30AM
Photo by copyright: Zoya Zaidi
Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1804 times
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Written on 2015-08-02 at 19:03
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