What will I find in your heart?

Will I find broken answers
That never reached my ears?
Will I find the salty ocean
Born from your unshed tears?

Will I find the fragments
Of bars of unwritten poetry?
Will I find a few images
Of your old-world gallantry?

Will I find a once-red rose
Born in love's first spring?
Will I find a hidden portrait
And other true-love things?

Will I find a river of two bloods
Flowing together in harmony?
Will I find the ringing laughter
Echoing around from moments funny?

Will I find fragrant cocoons
For me to rest my weary frame?
Will I find your wedding ring
That bears my maiden name?

Poetry by Arti
Read 1731 times
Written on 2006-11-18 at 18:55

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moon smile
Your words carry with its passion this kind of true love emotions in a heart of a delicate romantic person,i loved it sooooooo much, well done:):)

thankyou that was incredible

Mark Rogers
I truely enjoyed this poem. It touches me deeply. Thank you.

Zoya Zaidi
How did I miss this Gem?

'Will I find a river of two bloods
Flowing together in harmony?'

This is my favourite couplet!

Isn't this what we want in true love:
Two hearts beating in unison;
Intermingling of hot blood,
flowing together as one.
Coming of souls together as such
to become one fragrance untouched...

(((Hugs my talented one!)))
Love, Zoya

Kathy Lockhart
Arti, this is precious. It is a wonderful poetic composition.

Aashish Thakur
its good oen Arti, i like the last Stanza very much....

a very very great job......
keep up the good work... take care.. isabel.

Amanda K
Such a delightful piece. when we love some1 seriously that love provokes many questions that we wish the other person would answer . you put these questions and enquiries with such talent in a way that ones feels like reading more and more even if those questions won't be answered.

all the best,

This is so beautiful , Arti
Just lovely

Malin Johansson
Wow... Can I just say Wow... this poem is so amazingly beautiful Arti!!!
the last stanza nailed it... it brings us to the headline:)

Thomas Selnes The PoetBay support member heart!
Such a cute and fragile query. Loved the second and last stanzas :)

Beautiful in every way!

Kathy Lockhart
sweet romantic poetic Arti, this is beautiful. You life is overflowing with your talent. Your name is perfect for you Art (i) + st = You. You are artistic. You are art!

I really like this work of yours
It's book mark in my fav ofcoz ^^

This write how beautiful in everyway.. a very touching write
as it touched my heart ..
lovely words :)
hugs to you my friend

David Hazell
Really enjoyable clever rhymeing.

Zachary P. B.
what an excellent question to ask arti... and all i've got to say is - you'll find "z" in me... all of it, the sad, the poetic, the artistic, the traveler, thinker, boy that i am... and i want to express it to the world, why hide behind walls?

thanks, bookmarked.

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
What an amazing poem!Brilliant!Just brilliant!*Bookmarked* of course!But are your questions rhetorical? Is this what we all do? Believe in a dream that might come true so we can make it happen? Is our twin flame just a dreamy illusion? Do we all look for that knight in shining armour? Oh so many questions and even more but I better stop now :) Well written Arti!

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
hi there Arti this is a beautiful poem and one i book mark

'In my heart thou shalt will find
The love of broken dreams
The hopes of impossible schemes
yet love everlasting'

coming overe all poetic but it is a beautiful poem and you inspered me lololol well done