Uhhh... I'm now a doctor?


I am, despite beliefs to the contrary, alive. Despite the malicious efforts of the paperwork demon, I am still breathing though I'm upto my eyeballs in the white stuff. So while the demon snoozes, here's a quick update:

I am done with med school. Yep, by the end of March, I will add a Dr before my name and an MD after. (I can't believe it either - it seems too good to be true. You really mean I don't have to show up at a hospital until June?)

Speaking of June: I matched to a residency program. After a harrowing and painfully long six month process of application, interview and nail-biting, I'm finding myself a newly minted resident starting a residency that is a combined program in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. I start there in June.

Until then, I don't have to get out of bed at 4:30 am if I don't want to (and lets face it, I never ever want to. )

I'm heading Home, to India, for a two month vacation. I expect I shall get spoilt and pampered and generally fat while I get my visa and head back.

Thank you for all your love and support all through these years. I've been amiss, remiss and missing, but I do come back, a prodigal, a naughty child who won a reward for.... something. (k, I'm going to bed before the demon wakes up. I do have insomniac tendencies.)

Sunshine and laughter,

Words by Arti
Read 1261 times
Written on 2009-03-22 at 09:48

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My comment seems to have gone...so I recongratulate, and hope life as a doctor is leaving you enough time to be.

I don't believe it--You Are Way Too Good Looking To Be A Doctor! No seriously--Congratulations. Are you an intern now or are you past that already? I understand that the interns really have to work extra-hard. Congratulations again!
p.s. I have a neice that is a doctor here in the states.

Congratulations. Now your real schooling will commence - actual practice. Keep reminding yourself to be a GOOD doctor, not just a run of the mill physician. There are quite a few of those.

Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
Hey, well done and congratulations. You've definitely deserve your well earned rest. And what a wonderful Doctor you will make! All your patient's will be so fortunate to have such a caring person looking after them. :-)

Rob Graber
Congratulations! My younger daughter is a Case alum--a great institution indeed. You will learn to think of yourself as a doctor by seeing others treat you as if you WERE one!

Congratulations to you, Arti, and the warmest of hugs!

You should be proud of yourself, as we are of you!
Enjoy your pampering, lots of hard work still ahead I'm sure.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Well done Arti !!!! I am so pleased that all your hard work has paid off and that you have made it. You deserve a good spoiling at home with your family - lots of chocolates

Elle x