The Bahá'í World Religion

Immersed within a sea of unity, unfolding age-old truth,
Its waves are surging upon the coastline of all hearts,
Gently whispering its treasured secrets,
Precious pearls for the open-minded.

An almost inaudible note of purity and grace,
The dove's search after truth,
Unchained from the shackles of tradition, superstition.

A roaring laugh of challenge,
To build an ever-advancing civilization,
Maintained by divinely ordained institutions.

A spray of refreshing reminders,
Seize thy chance,
For it will come to thee no more.

An indrawn breath of anticipation,
The oneness and wholeness of the entire human race,
Established upon the indissoluble bond of love among hearts.

A crash of new power and force,
Calling to every detached soul,
Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'u'lláh.

Poetry by Jon Aflatooni
Read 1200 times
Written on 2006-11-28 at 22:34

Tags Religion 

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Excellent poem--I have always found religion to be such an interesting subject. I know some Ba'hai people--I go to their lovely Na Ruz ( spelled wrong probably) every year in March--it is always a lovely time to be had for all.

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