A terrible event and its results.

The Old Opera House

I went to the old opera house today

And, honest to God, there isn't much to say

The halls are clean as the bathroom's littered floor

And I almost died when the bolts unhinged the door

But at any rate, you see, my eye begins to tear

At the fact that this place was so lively last year

Once upon a time, when the walls were white as pearl

The Old Opera House had seemed the finest in the world

Every evening special ended with standing novations

And every matinee portrayed spectacular creations

But, good people, please believe me, hear me, when I say

That the old opera house could not put on a single play

I recall parading down some stairs with many flights

I could feel the sounding cues in hand with fancy lights

I could feel the voices of the actors on the set

Such a haunting memory, how could anyone forget

Finally, I reached the room that infamy had claimed

Her body is still in there, hardly dressed and very maimed

Poetry by weirdzarun
Read 1569 times
Written on 2006-12-10 at 08:36

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Rob Graber
A spooky story!

Wow, reading this people At first I thought it was about an opera house that was very popular and went out of style but it was the last two lines that really turned it around. This was a very good story and for that it is...


~Aaron Rowe