am a hopless romantic and as an end result i end up with this piece.... I'd say and my muse here is someone who I think has captured my heart without knowing.

Only You

Only You ...
can stop my mind
from screaming

Only You ....
can end
my nightmare musings

Your touch
can drown my sorrows
in our river of dreams
and your scent
is the air
-of -
a new beginning

I Need you darlin'
because ONLY YOU
can end my morbid fairytale

I Need your touch.....
to wake me up
from ...
my melancholic slumber

Even If
I can ONLY see you
in my dreams my love
Your touch
will unlock my prisoned soul

I know you're real my love

I wish ....
I can hold you
in my arms at midnight
Hear your voice at dawn

You are my prince of dreams
that will save me from the
tower of my nightmares

Your love will be the breath
that will awaken my dormant heart
and I long to be swept away
by your enticing words of passion ma chere

and when I have you
right here beside me sweet darlin'
I'll need no one else
but YOU

Poetry by Di/Angel
Read 1279 times
Written on 2006-12-24 at 07:17

Tags Romance  Love  Poetry 

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oh it's deep love here
keep writting

Zoya Zaidi
I hope, dear Di/Angel, this Christmas Eve, your wish comes true!
And Santa Clause brings your love to you!
love, Zoya