A little poem I wrote for Christmas and gave to myself.

Christmas Adam

Christmas Adam
Christmas Eve
Christmas Daddy
Christmas Steve

Once was darkness
Then was light
I bite my tounge
and squeeze it tight

It comes right
down the sky
do i dare
to ask why?

I can feel the snow under my thoughts
as I let my mind wander
I see them coming, flakes of ice
falling from the mild blue yonder

My feet worries
Will I get cold?
Will I cancel Christmas
Have I gotten old?

Precious gifts
and tender lies
A child gets born
Still i'm burying flies

Poetry by TheLine
Read 1135 times
Written on 2006-12-26 at 22:26

Tags Questions  Christmas 

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Oops! More flies huh the line? lol Very nice work I must say, welcome the the boiling pot called the bay,

Happy New Year

and close that mouth or you may catch more than flies....! lol


Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

I'm just tellin'
This has nothing to do with different sexualities as the previous post suggest.
It's just a play on words that doesn't have to mean anything. It's up to you what it's about. Off course I have an intention, but why should my opinion of the poem be more important? Read along. Thnx

tony legba
A cryptic and interesting opening?
There was "Adam and Eve" not "Adam and Steve". Is this saying a source...ie the world was conceived heterosexually, not homosexually?
I'm not sure that the fourth stanza fits with the effect of the other stanzas.
You do like intense, brief expressions!

Language: 3
Format: 3
Mood: 3
Overall: 3