Thomas wrote the Haiku's and I wrote the renga's.
The final two tanka's we wrote together.

If A Thousand Hurdles Stand [A Thomas-Liz Love Tanka Collection 3]

There is a flame in
Our hearts which burns so very
Exceedingly bright...

The suns own light can not match
Loves flame burning in our hearts

This flame shall consume
All who try to prevent it
In it's path of love...

This consuming passion of
our love none can extinguish

Our love can't be swayed
if a thousand hurdles stand
we will jump each one.

Adversity, Temptation
We stay strong in the face of

Our love shall always
Remain strong whatever we
Have to face in life

Jealous people try but can't
Destroy the flames of our love.

Haiku by Thomas P - Liz M
Read 753 times
Written on 2007-01-20 at 09:20

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you just take care of each other and nothing can hurt you ...

I am sure you will jump every hurdle life and space can manage to put in your way ...

take care