Thomas wrote the first poem "How will we feel?"
and it inspired me to write the second poem
"That is how we will feel"
We hope you like them :)
~L.~ & ~T.~

How will we feel?/That is how we will feel

How Will We Feel?

When first our eyes meet,
How will we feel?

When first our hands touch,
How will we feel?

When first I hold your hand in mine,
How will we feel?

When first our lips meet,
How will we feel?

When first I hold you in my arms
And your head rests on my chest
As we watch a romantic movie together,
How will we feel?

And when we first meet,
How will we feel?
Will our love grow stronger?
Stronger than it is already?

How will we feel?

written on 19/02/07

That is how we will feel

You ask how we will feel
the first time we physically met.....

Like the baby bird hatching
and seeing the dawn for the first time
Awaking to the fine rays of the sun

that is how we will feel.....

Like the cleansing breath after rain
clearing the senses,
awaking refreshed and new

that is how we will feel.....

And like the spider's web
is stronger then steel
So to like that our love continues to grow

Like the spring blooming
in the departure of winter
colours shining brighter then before

that is how we will feel.....


Poetry by Thomas P - Liz M
Read 1144 times
Written on 2007-03-13 at 05:51

Tags Love  Happiness 

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Very lovely!....i loved both of them! and having them together like that is even better!

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5