This is the finale comilation. Many of you contributed back when it was going. I got my good friend, Hagzissa to finish it for me... Thanks everyone!
Understanding Love
How do you explain this new
found joy to others
Thomas Perdue
I would explain it as an
Aching in my heart no more...
Languishing heartbeats
In a love embrace. Please feel
The rhythm. It's nice...
Liz Munro
rhythm swirling to heart's song
two lovers dancing embrace.....
Life in your absence
Is darkening of the sun
In twilight's sadness
Thomas Perdue
When you are here, my heart is
No more in such dreadful pain...
Liliana Negoi
when you are not here
my soul is empty and my
whole life is shorter...
Liliana Negoi
calls from your lips for my soul
awake me from the dark night
Liliana Negoi
your voice drops honey
when you call me in the night...
how could i not come?
Liz Munro
I'm drawn to you like the bee....
your love's so sweet within me
Kathy Lockhart
Like a mist I rise
spreading out over your love
damp with dew's moisture
Zoya Zaidi
I breath in the mist of your
love, and warm it with my blood
Zoya Zaidi
Love is a poison
That whoever drinks regrets; and
Who does not- regrets!
Thomas Perdue
The untainted feeling of
Life and death, of divine love...
Zoya Zaidi
Love is Amrit, a potion
for immortality, love is the
Elixir of our lives
Liliana Negoi
let me bless my soul with the
elixir from your sweet soul!
the mere thought of her
sends tingles through my body
orgasmic delight
his desire whispers to mine
butterflies flutter inside
Thomas Perdue
It is a bliss so
Beyond what can be compared
To things that are real.
Thomas Perdue
Is this bliss so very real?
I can feel your presence here...
Zachary P. B.
kisses on your lips,
tangible, you are still here.
this bliss is quite real.
The sweet nothings in your ear
Compliment the moon set sky
Kiva Forsmark
the sorrows of night
come in whispers across the sky
as you whisper love
Thomas Perdue
I start thinking of your love,
The words we always whisper...
Time fills open space
Thinking infinetly helps
Free crowded ideas
Liz Munro
the hours seem too short a time
before we must part my love
Dino DeTorquemada
heartbeats as carcrash
as flesh motion with lotion
starbursts etched infinite
Liz Munro
Eternal lovers love is
Stretched beyond mortal doors
Feel your heart rapture
Her beauty, so elegant
A star shining bright
Thomas Perdue
While I am with you there is
No pain to be felt at all...
Tai Chi Italy
Yours oh so sweetly.
Take my hand of love again
Release us from pain.
Thomas Perdue
Let this pain cease to exist
There's no pain while I'm with you.
Thomas Perdue
The pain we do feel
While we are so far apart...
Let that pain be gone.
Thomas Perdue
Let us never again part
Let us stay in this moment.
Thomas Perdue
In this eternal
Moment of love so divine
Let us not depart.
Thomas Perdue
Our love shall eternally
Be within us, keeping peace...
Thomas Perdue
Our love is within
Us, it's within our very souls...
We are all there is...
Kathy Lockhart
I will fly in the stardust
become washed in your essence
Kiva Forsmark
dissolve into air
flit into my arms, my love,
your chocolate embrace
Liz Munro
Though chocolate melts with time
our love stays whole, time is still....
Thomas Perdue
Time is still, but yet
Our love continually
Grows throughout all time...
Liz Munro
Our love only strengthens with
times passing, Our love is all.....
Kiva Forsmark
that really matters,
love keeps on ticking, always,
as constant as time
reminding of the beauty in
the being of you and me
Betsy Firefly
we don't need bridges
when love is all around us
keeping exact time
no need of tracking time since
love is eternal, never forgotten
Poetry by Thomas P - Liz M
Read 1048 times
Written on 2007-07-30 at 06:18
Tags Love  Romance 
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Liz MunroUnderstanding Love
How do you explain this new
found joy to others
Thomas Perdue
I would explain it as an
Aching in my heart no more...
Languishing heartbeats
In a love embrace. Please feel
The rhythm. It's nice...
Liz Munro
rhythm swirling to heart's song
two lovers dancing embrace.....
Life in your absence
Is darkening of the sun
In twilight's sadness
Thomas Perdue
When you are here, my heart is
No more in such dreadful pain...
Liliana Negoi
when you are not here
my soul is empty and my
whole life is shorter...
Liliana Negoi
calls from your lips for my soul
awake me from the dark night
Liliana Negoi
your voice drops honey
when you call me in the night...
how could i not come?
Liz Munro
I'm drawn to you like the bee....
your love's so sweet within me
Kathy Lockhart
Like a mist I rise
spreading out over your love
damp with dew's moisture
Zoya Zaidi
I breath in the mist of your
love, and warm it with my blood
Zoya Zaidi
Love is a poison
That whoever drinks regrets; and
Who does not- regrets!
Thomas Perdue
The untainted feeling of
Life and death, of divine love...
Zoya Zaidi
Love is Amrit, a potion
for immortality, love is the
Elixir of our lives
Liliana Negoi
let me bless my soul with the
elixir from your sweet soul!
the mere thought of her
sends tingles through my body
orgasmic delight
his desire whispers to mine
butterflies flutter inside
Thomas Perdue
It is a bliss so
Beyond what can be compared
To things that are real.
Thomas Perdue
Is this bliss so very real?
I can feel your presence here...
Zachary P. B.
kisses on your lips,
tangible, you are still here.
this bliss is quite real.
The sweet nothings in your ear
Compliment the moon set sky
Kiva Forsmark
the sorrows of night
come in whispers across the sky
as you whisper love
Thomas Perdue
I start thinking of your love,
The words we always whisper...
Time fills open space
Thinking infinetly helps
Free crowded ideas
Liz Munro
the hours seem too short a time
before we must part my love
Dino DeTorquemada
heartbeats as carcrash
as flesh motion with lotion
starbursts etched infinite
Liz Munro
Eternal lovers love is
Stretched beyond mortal doors
Feel your heart rapture
Her beauty, so elegant
A star shining bright
Thomas Perdue
While I am with you there is
No pain to be felt at all...
Tai Chi Italy
Yours oh so sweetly.
Take my hand of love again
Release us from pain.
Thomas Perdue
Let this pain cease to exist
There's no pain while I'm with you.
Thomas Perdue
The pain we do feel
While we are so far apart...
Let that pain be gone.
Thomas Perdue
Let us never again part
Let us stay in this moment.
Thomas Perdue
In this eternal
Moment of love so divine
Let us not depart.
Thomas Perdue
Our love shall eternally
Be within us, keeping peace...
Thomas Perdue
Our love is within
Us, it's within our very souls...
We are all there is...
Kathy Lockhart
I will fly in the stardust
become washed in your essence
Kiva Forsmark
dissolve into air
flit into my arms, my love,
your chocolate embrace
Liz Munro
Though chocolate melts with time
our love stays whole, time is still....
Thomas Perdue
Time is still, but yet
Our love continually
Grows throughout all time...
Liz Munro
Our love only strengthens with
times passing, Our love is all.....
Kiva Forsmark
that really matters,
love keeps on ticking, always,
as constant as time
reminding of the beauty in
the being of you and me
Betsy Firefly
we don't need bridges
when love is all around us
keeping exact time
no need of tracking time since
love is eternal, never forgotten
Poetry by Thomas P - Liz M
Read 1048 times
Written on 2007-07-30 at 06:18
Tags Love  Romance 

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Hagzissa |