
I got a short note last night, or the night before. It touched me deeply, it made me cry.

Someone read my poetry and sent me an email, a personal one.

It said how there was very little they understood, because the words are big and deep, but one feeling was very true. the sadness in me. And though this person thought they knew me all their lives, reading my pieces made them realize, I'm a whole different world inside.

I guess, that's what it's like with every one. I'm glad that person realized it, it meant so much to me. And it also inspired my second short story for my collection. Which will be titled "Your Message Log!"

I really am enjoying this journey here, writing, I'm sleepless tonight yet again, it's 3:54 am my time and I can't sleep. Hopefully you all got a good nights rest.



Diary by Autie
Read 1009 times
Written on 2007-03-29 at 09:55

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