... inevitable...

Note to you!

Hi, It's been a while,
since last I wrote,
since last we spoke.

I wrote some words of late,
Thoughts I needed to contemplate.

New places seen,
fill the pink-mattered ideas.
Friends now retrieved,
arouse my curious appeals.

Yet time and again,
I flee from the form,
In which I speak,
I reluctantly communicate,
The thoughts I cultivate.

Hope you're doing,
Far better than I,
Hope your words,
Flow like triumphant cry!

Poetry by Autie
Read 1383 times
Written on 2007-06-02 at 22:01

Tags Writer  Block  Muted 

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Rob Graber
It seems so long,
It seems so wrong,
Since last we heard
An Autie word!
Thanks for the poem,
And welcome "home"!

PS: Line 4: NOT "A naughty word"!!! (Always plenty of those on the bay... ;-,?)