... When love left to fly lands on your shoulder on the memory path....


Some days;
though my wings are healed,
and my heart took flight,
a simple scent
brings my mind to his place.

I wander,
looking far away.
Asking ...
I simply ponder.

The lilies of your heart;
you once thought
rested in my arms,
will they bloom once again tomorrow?

The words you whispered;
which I hear
in arms anew,
will you speak them again in the rising future?

I wandered off,
I know. I left you
with hands full
of tender missin'.
But your sins
on your lips
still glisten.

I wander into
the woods of
my heart.
I hear the voice
in the past.

I hope
your heart
can wander off,
into the night
and find a place
now that my
love no longer
holds you.

I hope
nights remain
none offered
sacrifice to
memory of
a time before
I wandered.

© Auterkeia Nihil

May 2007

Poetry by Autie
Read 1361 times
Written on 2007-06-04 at 13:18

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So beautiful with a tint of gloom... Really good

Rob Graber
Beautiful and sad... You're wise beyond your years, Autie.