Just Thoughts

My Friend
Everyday I don't hear from you
is a little harder on my soul
yet you are just my best friend
so I know my role

Wondering if you're OK
just wanting you to
be happy
looking into your future
and without you in my life
I still approach it happily

So know as the future approaches
and your dreams start to
come true
Know that one thing remains
constant I will always love you

My Son, My heart my Light
It's my job to protect and
care for you
I haven't since my working out
found such pleasure in
what I do

My son I'm so proud
he's the love of my life
then there's the other
person his mother,
my wife

We have our problems
and ask her there all
my fault
I take advice on how to
make it better from ppl. I
respect with a grain of salt

We'll make it thru
I'm determined to
though at times
I don't know what
to say or do

She's my son's mother
and she's good for him
& good for me
Will we make it
in time we shall see

Writing down my thoughts
is something I rarely do
so thanks for reading my
it maybe another year or
two before I think again


Poetry by Will
Read 554 times
Written on 2007-04-20 at 18:21

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You're friendship is so real....keep it up!!!kissess

Yeah, sometimes writing your thoughts can give you a headache! LOL
Great poem, cant seem to get tired of reading it!!!

Zoya Zaidi
A very caring note to your friend, I appreciate your honesty dear Will! I am sure your friend will too...
Love, Zoya