The Candle's Tears

The Candle's Tears

The candle slowly burns giving off its shadowy stuttering light,
Keeping a vigil beside our loved one that has departed from us this night,
For the spirit has passed from this world unto the far-off next,
We cannot understand why, our hearts our minds perplexed,
Bowed heads remember the life so cruelly so pointlessly taken.
We'll keep you forever alive in our hearts never you'll be forsaken,
A personal prayer; tears unashamedly shed for our loved one newly gone,
While the candle shedding droplets of waxy tears unfailingly; burns on.

Poetry by Albert
Read 901 times
Written on 2005-11-21 at 08:00

Tags Death  Hope  Love 

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Beautifully written albert, it has such sorrowful honesty to it, well done :-)